Brief back

One of the biggest dangers on the farm, orchard or vineyard is assuming that everyone is thinking the same way.

‘Brief back’ is a well-proven method of making sure everyone is on the right track. It is also a great training tool for younger or less experienced staff. Here’s how it works:

  • Outline the task.
  • Ask the person (people) to work out how they are going to do it. Ask them to brief you on:
    • what the required outcome is
    • what factors they took into account
    • how they are going to do the task.
  • If you have problems with what they are proposing, think about what factor(s) they have missed. Don’t correct them, instead ask whether they considered these factor(s), and if not, what difference that makes to their plan.
  • Once everyone is agreed on the task and the method, they can proceed.