Our Objectives

Our initial research highlighted some common requests and areas of concern for industry participants, including:

  • Co-ordination of labour
  • Information for injury prevention
  • Harm data
  • Better PPE
  • Reduced ladder use
  • Improved recognition of safety
  • Assistance with social issues

These topics have fed into the development of our objectives for each stage of the project to establish Grow Home Safe.

Our Vision

To build system capability and establish health, safety and wellbeing leadership in the horticulture industry.


Project steps & objectives

Our Objectives

1. Stock-take of current practices
2. Harm map based on ACC data and industry insights
3. Industry data dashboard
4. Workers voice on health, safety and well-being
5. Prioritisation of harm hotspots

1. Scope new initiatives based on gaps
2. Modify existing initiatives and tools
3. Develop an industry competency framework
4. New training resource requirements for best practice
5. New tools to aid implementation of initiatives

1. Collaborate with other sectors
2. Develop charter / MOU for working together
3. Grower collaboration in development of new initiatives
4. Expert practitioner co-design – Human Factors / contemporary health and safety frameworks

1. Standardisation of existing health, safety and well-being programmes
2. Facilitate knowledge sharing
3. Position horticulture as a leader in health, safety and well-being practices