How can I use this guide?

This guide is designed for those in charge of the farm. Others who are involved in the farm may find it useful.

This guideline covers all types of horticulture businesses, including orchards, field crops and glasshouse crops. It covers crop production and postharvest activities, such as packing and storage. The guide refers to all types of horticulture businesses using a general term ‘Farms'.

I am in charge day-to-day

Use this guide to make sure you have done what is necessary to create a healthy and safe workplace. You are responsible for the health and safety of people who work for you or who are involved in, or affected by, the work on your farm. You are also responsible for the health and safety of others that may come onto your farm – you are expected to do what is reasonable and practicable. You need to talk with your workers and visitors about health and safety, and make sure they participate in farm health and safety.

I am a company director, trustee, or business partner

Use this to understand what is required on farm and the effort you need to put in over time. you have an obligation to exercise ‘due diligence’. This means, for example, you need to make sure you are up-to-date with health and safety requirements, you have a general understanding of the risks associated with operating your business, and that the business has available, and uses, appropriate resources to deal with the risks.

I am a contractor or visitor to the property

Use this to understand how your health and safety procedures overlap with those of the farm. you have a responsibility to work with the farm business to make sure you all understand how to deal with any risks on farm – and to make sure that the farm understands and works with you to manage any risks your work may bring.

I work on farm

Use this to understand your requirements for health and safety on farm. you have a responsibility to look after your own health and safety, and to make sure there is nothing you do that puts others in danger. you have a right to be kept healthy and safe in the workplace by your employer. This guide shows what the business you work for is required to do and how you can participate

Guide steps