Project background

In 2019, horticulture joined other industries in a cross-sector effort to improve collaboration on health and safety. This led to a journey of discovery about what health, safety and well-being meant to growers.

The Horticulture Health and Safety Council re-formed and obtained a three-year ACC Injury Prevention Grant based on leadership. The Grow Home Safe initiative was established to provide leadership and develop capability in health, safety and well-being for the horticulture and viticulture industries.

The initial project “Grow Home Safe” employs an evidence-based approach to identify and address the safety and well-being issues that growers are facing, following four key steps: Understand – Intervene – Support – Lead.

Our website is the hub for Grow Home Safe, facilitating the sharing of safety and well-being tools and resources among the horticulture and viticulture communities. We envisage that industry involvement together with support from HortNZ will enable Grow Home Safe to become self-sustaining after the initial funding period.

In this video, Kate Trufitt, Horticulture New Zealand Director and experienced Health and Safety Manager, explains the thinking behind the Grow Home Safe project, and shares her insights on the importance of recognizing people as the solution.

Produced by Ecoportal and New Zealand Institute of Safety Management, this video is part of a series of interviews with safety leaders to drive safety culture and engagement.

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